Spring Garden
We planted strawberries and peas. We will be hoping for a good return for our effort. Everyone enjoys this yearly hands-on activity. It instils in us an appreciation of our environment. John Connor has kindly given us cabbage plants and we will plant them this week, weather permitting.
World Book Day
The children had great fun dressing up as book characters and reading their favourite stories.
St. Patrick’s Day
Thanks to all the children who took part in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Thanks to all the parents for joining for your support. Thank God the weather held.
Seachtain na Gaeilge
The children enjoyed watching cartoons ‘as Gaeilge’ and lots of art activities during Seachtain na Gaeilge. Congratulations to all for speaking the extra ‘cúpla focail’.
Music Generation
The children in the junior class continue to learn to accompany songs and music using tuned percussion instruments. The senior class are enjoying the ukulele.
Creative Schools
The children had a lovely workshop on March 3rd with Artist Jeanine Storan composing a story and setting a diorama scene. They filmed their story using Stop-Go-Motion technology, creating a short animation.
Playground Mural
The children’s mural is now hanging in the playground. They should be very proud of their amazing artwork.
Sam Maguire
John Dillon brought the Sam Maguire cup to our school on March 10th. The children all got the opportunity to hold the cup and haven their photograph taken!
Swimming Classes
Swimming classes commence after the Easter holidays on Tuesday April 18th and will run for 6 weeks on a Tuesday until 23rd May. 12pm noon until 1pm. €40 per child. Due to rising costs we have to charge an extra €5 per child for swimming. The B.O.M. will pay the remainder of the cost. Please forward money to school before Friday 21st April, if possible.
Spring Clean
We will complete our Spring Clean on Friday 31st March, weather permitting.