Scoil Chriost Rí, Drumnacurra Causeway is a co-educational catholic primary school. It is situated in the townland of Drumnacurra, 2km from the village of Causeway.
Our present school built in 1962 is the third school built on this site since 1841. An extension was added in 2005.
We actively promote our Irish Culture - through sports, our language, music and dancing.
It is our mission and purpose to provide an education which has at the centre of its organisation, activities and relationships; values that reflect the ideas of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Under the Children First - National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2011 the Board of Management has ratified the principal Regina O'Connor as Designated Liaison Person (DLP) and the deputy principal Mrs Geraldine Lynch as the Deputy Designated Liaison Person (DDLP)

Regina O'Connor | Principal